Title: Howto xsp process in C2 ?
Hi Edgar, thanks for your answer. I tried this and it works, but I have another problems:
1) I don't want to define a namespace for this logicsheet, because I have my site done and already running under C1 without using a namespace and now I want to migrate it to C2. How can I do this ?
2) Under C1, the logicsheet was applied before compilation time, so the .java generated had the logicsheet code in it. I saw that under C2 this doesn't happen and it's a problem for me, because I use variables and other stuff declared in the logicsheet. Any solutions ?
Thanks again.
-----Mensaje original-----
De: Graaf, Edgar de (fin) [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Enviado el: Lunes 29 de Abril de 2002 4:50 AM
Asunto: RE: Howto xsp process in C2 ?

Yeah cocoon:/cotizacion_xsp.xsl. If I understand you correctly.... But don't you want to use logicsheets a configured in cocoon.xconf? (builtin-logicsheet)
(the wrong way) You have to make a pipeline:

    <map:match pattern="inbetween.xsl"> 

        <map:generate src="webbpi/index.xml"  type="serverpages" /> 
        <map:transform src="webbpi/estilo/cotizacion_xsp.xsl"/> 
        <map:serialize type="xml"/>


   <map:match pattern="index">
        <map:generate src="webbpi/index.xml"  type="serverpages" />
        <map:transform src="cocoon:/inbetween.xsl"/>
        <map:transform src="webbpi/estilo/cotizacion.xsl"/>
        <map:serialize type="html"/>

The hard part is that when I tried it cocoon:/ could not be used in generate. So if that is still true you have to make a inbetween.xsl that transforms index to what you want.

(the right way) !!!BUT the best way to do this is to make a builtin-logicsheet. That goes like this:!!!

1. you have a data file ( a xml)

2. You insert a tag for example: <cotizacion:myitem/>

3. You construct a xsl that replaces this with logic....

4. You add to cocoon.xconf:

     <parameter name="prefix" value="cotizacion"/>
     <parameter name="uri" value="http://www.holland.nl/queensday/whatever"/>
     <parameter name="href" value="docs/cotizacion.xsl"/>

5. Add the namespace http://www.holland.nl/queensday/whatever to your data.xml

6. By the way your data.xml is a XSP page......

ways of creating xsp's

 -----Oorspronkelijk bericht-----
Van: Alejandro Raiczyk [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Verzonden: donderdag 25 april 2002 17:18
Onderwerp: Howto xsp process in C2 ?

Hi, I'm migrating from C1 to C2, and I guess I've get the idea but I still can't make it work.

How can I do if I want to define a pipeline where I have a source file wich is a XSP page, after generating it I have to transform it by a logicsheet (XSL), then by the XSP processor and finally a stylesheet (XSL).

I did this:

    <map:match pattern="index">
        <map:generate src="webbpi/index.xml"  type="serverpages" />
        <map:transform src="webbpi/estilo/cotizacion_xsp.xsl"/>
        <map:transform src="webbpi/estilo/cotizacion.xsl"/>
        <map:serialize type="html"/>

but it didn't work. Is there any whay to do shomething like
        <map:transform src="webbpi/estilo/cotizacion_xsp.xsl" type="xsp"/>


thanks in advance

Alejandro D. Raiczyk
Desarrollo de Proyectos
Technisys Informática S.R.L.
Tel./Fax: +54(11)4322-7100 int 133

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