On Fri, 3 May 2002, Vadim Gritsenko wrote:

>> The cached version it's using was me trying in work yesterday.. this
>> morning it's still using that cached version, even though it's
>> requesting the file each time I request the page from it.
>Check last modified time in the HTTP response of your
>www.compsoc.man.ac.uk server. Cocoon will use cached version if server
>reports that file was not modified. See Cocoon's URLSource.java,
>getLastModified method.

Unfortunately, the Zope server doesn't seem to return a last-modified
header with a page. Does this mean that Cocoon will always assume that
it's not modified, without checking the contents?
Barring editing the source, is it possible to put some directive
somewhere saying re-get it no matter what?

John Gilbertson

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