i want to use eXist database with cocoon. for this, i have to configure the
taglib for eXist.
i have exist.jar in web-inf\lib
in coccon.xconf i put
            <parameter name="prefix" value="exist-rpc"/>
            <parameter name="uri"
            <parameter name="href" value="resource://org/exist/exist.xsl"/>

in web.xml

I have exist-taglib.tld in web-inf

In xsp page I use something like this:

and then
<exist-rpc:connection uri="http://localhost:8081";>
  <p>Connection to server not established</p>
                        <select name="collection" size="1">
                            <option>all documents</option>
                            <exist-rpc:get-collection-names root="/">


but nothing is happened.
i think that i have to specify the path to exist.jar but i don't know how.
can anybody tell me?

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