Hi All,

I try retrieve data from DB (load some data from DB) before page show.
How I understood, I can it by Generators and Transformers. If there is more,
please tell me know ( if possible pls in detail ).

1. I try use the SQL Transformer, retrieve rows from DB and to show their in
XML. It like works, but I have small problem.
I get only column names, there no value?
like it...
  <sql:username /> 
  <sql:balance /> 
  <sql:status /> 
  <sql:username /> 
  <sql:balance /> 
  <sql:status /> 

Here what I have:
  <map:match pattern="show.html">
      <map:generate src="templates/sql/show.xml"/>
      <map:transform src="stylesheets/myapp.xsl"/>
      <map:transform type="sql">
        <map:parameter name="use-connection" value="personnel"/>
      <map:serialize type="xml"/>

      SELECT username, balance, status FROM users

2. And I found like it in archive:
<map:generate type="sql" src="select * from emp"/>
But I couldn't that it works, in detail I didn't found. How can I use it?

Thanks a lot,
Cocoon 2.1 (xml-cocoon2_20020517041743.tar.gz); Tomcat 4.0; JDK SDK 1.3.1;
Oracle 7; WinNT 4.0;

PS: If it would be in forum.java.sun.com, I have put more than 10 Duke
Dollars :))

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