Hello list,
     Does anyone have a graceful way of handling errors that occur in
one <map:part> of a <map:aggregate> element?  For example a portion of
my sitemap.xmap:

<map:match pattern="**.html>
  <map:aggregate element="document">
    <map:part src="cocoon://{1}.xml"/>
    <map:part src="xdocs/menu.xml"/>
  <!-- transform and serialize -->

     If an error occurs in the cocoon://{1}.xml part, first a empty
<document/> element is transformed and serialized to a html document,
then the the <map:handle-errors> produced document is serialized to a
second document, concatenated with the first. (see

ideal solution:
     I would like the <map:handle-errors> output to occur within the
<document> element so that the resulting page would not contain two

full sitemap.xmap available at

     Thanks for any help,


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