Thanks a lot for your answer,

I've tried an XSP with ESQL which seems to be easier 
for discovering C2. I use Jconnect5.5 from Sybase as a jdbc driver.

I try to evaluate a Cocoon solution for building a Web application 
with existing SP (many parameters and resultsets ) against
a JSP solution. And the first pb could be the interface with Sybase.

Which version could be the better to test it ?


-----Original Message-----
From: Christian Haul [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: mercredi 29 mai 2002 15:32
Subject: Re: Sybase database acces with Cocoon

On 29.May.2002 -- 02:49 PM, JL Ardoin wrote:
> Hi all !
> Discovering Cocoon , I try to use it with Sybase ASE 11.9 .
> Dynamic SQL seems to work perfectly, but I can't make SQL stored procs
> running, 
> for example - sp_who - even after reading the documentation !!

What means do you use to formulate your SQL? SQLTransformer, ESQL
Logicsheet, DatabaseActions, ... ?
SP support is there for SQLTransformer and ESQL. Sybase should be
supported as long as it conforms to JDBC specs.

> - and if your answer is affirmative, is Cocoon running 
>    with multi-recordsets SQL stored procedures ?

Yes, there have been some modifications in this area in 2.1-dev for
ESQL that haven't been propagated to 2.0.3 yet. Since there haven't
been complaints so far they will show up in 2.0.3 later on. Anyway,
multiple results are already supported but update counts may only be


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