
I´ve encountered a funny Problem. I´ve started developing a little webapp
which uses esql to grab data from the db, the DatabaseAuthenticatorAction to
login and a self written action to auth the user at each request which
simply checks for a attribute in the session. I´ve started creating this
webapp under WinXP, J1.4.0, Tomcat 4.0.4-b2 and Cocoon2.0.2. Now i´ve packed
all into a .war and deployed this on a linux2.4.17 box with Tomcat4.0.4-b3,
J1.4.0 and Cocoon2.0.2. (Database is a mysqld @ linux. The WinXP connects to
the linux mysqld, the linux box to itself.)

With WinXP the Authentification works fine. After a correct login the user
can see the index page, menues, etc.
With Linux i cannot do the Login. All is exactly the same. (The
FormValidationActione all works, The dbAuth not.).

Errorpage shows:
org.apache.cocoon.ProcessingException: Exception in
ServerPagesGenerator.generate(): java.lang.RuntimeException: Could not get
the datasource
org.apache.avalon.excalibur.datasource.NoValidConnectionException: No valid
JdbcConnection class available
... but there IS is a connection...

Wathing the mysql-log shows each time i make a login-request:
020526 23:19:16       2 Connect     tms@localhost on
                      2 Init DB     tms
                      2 Query       SHOW VARIABLES
... with a view Quits... (pooling) But there is no query.
Thats the DatabaseAuthenticatorAction...

Then i´ve started to make some test pages.
I´ve discovered that as soon as i use the esql logicsheet on a page it
generates the "No valid JdbcConnection class available
" error. But i do not know why because tomcat definitly creats the

In web.xml i´m using:

        <jdbc name="tms">
            <pool-controller min="2" max="10"/>


On my testpages i´m using a simply query to show a value. There cannot be a
typo because it works with WinXP.

Any ideas?


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