On 30.May.2002 -- 10:45 AM, Malte Vahlenkamp wrote:
> Hello,
> I'm using Cocoon 2.02 and need some help with esql. I'm trying to access a resultset 
>the column of another resultset returned by my query, but I don't get it running. 
>DBMS is Oracle 9i and the return value of f_searchentries is a refcursor. The 
>select-statement works correctly in the sql worksheet. And the get-column-type-name 
>returns refcursor in the outer result element. The row tag isn't closed in the 
>result, but there are no errors in the error log. Any comments?
> ========================================================
> <esql:execute-query>  
>       <esql:query>                                                    
>                select 1 as dummy , f_search(1,2,56) as result from dual
>       </esql:query>                           
>               <esql:results>    
>               <esql:row-results>                                                     
>                  <row>                        
>                       <esql:get-column-type-name column="2"/>                        
>                         <esql:results>    
>                            <esql:result><xsp:expr><esql:get-array 
>                                 <esql:row-results>                                   
>                               <innerrow>
>                                  <esql:get-columns/>                                 
>                                                 </esql:row-results>                  
>                                          </esql:results>    
>                       </row>                                                         
>            </esql:row-results>             
>            </esql:results>                                  
>  </esql:execute-query>

Malte, could you be a bit more specific on "don't get it running"?
It would be great if you could try 2.1-dev from CVS since 2.0.2 esql swallows
some exceptions.
Is it correct to use getArray() on a refcursor? 


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