While accessing a xml file I get the following exception:

Description:org.apache.cocoon.ProcessingException: Exception during
processing of
ml/db1.xml: java.io.FileNotFoundException:
d/other/../../common/xml/service.dtd ......

The corresponding entry in the xml-file:
<!DOCTYPE service SYSTEM "../../../../common/xml/service.dtd">
The file is definitely there and accessible.

I found out the following:
<!DOCTYPE service SYSTEM "./common/xml/service.dtd">
leads to ..../other/xml/common/xml/service.dtd, as expected,
<!DOCTYPE service SYSTEM "../../../../common/xml/service.dtd"> in
..../other/common/xml/service.dtd, also as expected. But
<!DOCTYPE service SYSTEM "../../../common/xml/service.dtd"> leads to
..../other/../common/xml/service.dtd, mention the .. behind other!
Six levels up (<!DOCTYPE service SYSTEM
"../../../../../../common/xml/service.dtd">) leads to the correct path
.../channels/common/xml/service.dtd, where the dtd resides.

So this means to me, that the second and third '../' is not expanded, but
added to the string containing the absolute path.

Any ideas?

Ralf Bendrich


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