Rob Kelley wrote:

> Hi:
> I'm running cocoon 2.0.2 on Tomcat  4.0.1 (Windows).  I've been trying 
> to run the hello example for the jsp:
> I get the same error (stack trace at end of email):
> /"SAXException JspGenerator.generate()"/
> My sitemap entry is:
>    <map:match pattern="jsp/*">
>     <map:generate src="/docs/samples/jsp/{1}.jsp" type="jsp"/>
>     <map:transform src="stylesheets/page/simple-page2html.xsl"/>
>     <map:serialize type="html"/>
>    </map:match>
> My cocoon.xconf jsp-engine is:
>   <jsp-engine logger="core.jsp-engine">
>     <parameter name="servlet-class" 
> value="org.apache.jasper.servlet.JspServlet"/>
>     <parameter name="servlet-name" value="*.jsp"/>
>   </jsp-engine>
> And I'm at wit's end. How do I get JSPs to work?
> Please help!
> Rob
> **
Hi Rob!

Try copy jasper-compiler.jar into cocoon/WEB-INF/lib/  directory from 


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