Hi all,

I've been searching everywhere and I can't find an example on how 
to configure the DatabaseReader.  Digging through the sourcecode
and Javadocs, I managed to put something like this together:

        <map:reader name="database"
        <map:match pattern="gallery/image.jpg">
            <map:read type="database" src="1" mime-type="image/jpeg">
                <map:parameter name="table" value="image"/>
                <map:parameter name="resource" value="data"/>
                <map:parameter name="key" value="id"/>

This doesn't work, however.  I get the following error:

org.apache.cocoon.ProcessingException: Lookup of reader for role 'database' failed.: 
org.apache.avalon.framework.component.ComponentException: UnnamedSelector: 
ComponentSelector could not find the component for hint: database

I know the "jonathan_pool" connection pool is working because my ESQL 
XSPs are working correctly.  

Any suggestions?

Thanks, Jonathan

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