
they have many patterns there.

unfortunately, they are biased towards J2EE too heavily. their Web site is
build with EJBs, btw, you can feel that with it performance :)

> -----Original Message-----
> From: daniel robinson [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: Thursday, June 06, 2002 1:54 PM
> Subject: Web Site Construction Patterns?
> All,
> I hope this is the right place for this topic,  Please let me know if
> not.
> I have just completed a basic framework (high-level) for a 
> Website that
> I am working on.  I am an experienced programmer but this is the first
> time that I have done any extensive work in 
> HTML/XML/XSLT/Servelets.  I
> am impressed by Cocoon and it seems like a great product to 
> be building
> my site with.
> It occurs to me as I work on this project that there everything I am
> doing has been done before, lots of times.  Of course that is what
> Cocoon is addressing - at different levels.  I am finding 
> myself haviing
> to make many decisions as I move ahead.  Since I am a 
> complete Newbie I
> have little or no reference point for making these decisions. 
>  What I'm
> wondering is whether or not Patterns could help?
> Let me give an example.  I have to have user
> sessions/authentication/permissions/profiles.  Nothing new 
> here.  I have
> even done extensive work on this in other realms.  I am 
> familiar with a
> number of Patterns for accomplishing this in my experience and I can
> plow ahead and see what works.  I know, for example, that there is
> extensive ongoing work within the Cocoon project (Sunshine?) 
> that works
> on this.  So from my experience so far with Cocoon what it 
> will mean is
> that I have to jump into a description of the features that 
> are offered
> and a descirption of how it works.  Then I will have to make 
> a decision
> to use it or not based on what I understand my requirements 
> to be.  What
> I would really like would be a mid to high level collection 
> of Patterns
> for dealing with these features and then a mapping of those Patterns
> onto what Cocoon offers and doesn't offer.
> My premise is that if I could access this knowledge base it would make
> my work easier as well as serving as a guidepost for Cocoon 
> itself.  (We
> have implemented parts of x Pattern for the following reasons....)
> Does anyone know of an effort to capture these sorts of 
> "Patterns of Web
> Development" in an organized manner?
> Thanks,
> Dan
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