> This is a major
> sticking point for my developers that like and are comfortable with jsp
> with javascript embedded.
> They want to keep it at the client and I am trying to build a case for the
> server through cocoon.

IMNSHO, the only way you can justify client side validation is if you are
running an Intranet and you have an organization that somehow restricts the
users capability to modify browsers settings so that you can ensure
JavaScript is enabled.  Otherwise, you can receive unvalidated data...  

If you're running over the Internet it's fine to use client side validation
in addition to server side if you want to have some extra performance
benefits for those who have JavaScript enabled.  However, who wants to
maintain both?  

Even if you have an Intranet and locked down browser settings, client side
validation can be a real pain to maintain over time.  In particular, there
is (usually) no good coupling between the validation and the rest of the
server side code.  The exception is if you generate your client side
validation code from server side templates.  That's quite possible, but I
suspect that once you developers jump through the hoops of embedding
JavaScript within  XML ( lot's of escaping and/or CDATA) they won't object
to server side validation nearly so much...

Please check that your question has not already been answered in the
FAQ before posting. <http://xml.apache.org/cocoon/faqs.html>

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