Did you know you can help improve Cocoon's documentation?

Right now, in the most recent CVS release branch and on the live site, 
you'll find the resources you need to contribute new FAQs, How-Tos, and 
Code Snippets to the Cocoon project. Specifically:

   How to author an FAQ (or set of FAQs)

   How to author a How-To

   How to author a Code Snippet

   How to submit your contribution via Bugzilla

   How to submit your contribution as a Patch

We are taking a deliberately granular approach to facilitate 
contributions from the widest range of Cocoon users. For example, once 
guidelines are written, we will announce other types of documents you 
can also contribute: Recipes, Success Stories, Tutorials, Live Examples, 
etc. In other words, this is only the *beginning* of a new, 
community-oriented approach to documentation development.

Cocoon is an immensely sophisticated piece of software. At times, 
however, we all know it can be difficult to grok certain aspects of it. 
Thus, the more voices that help to explain Cocoon, the better for 
everyone. Carve out a niche for yourself as an author. If your 
contribution is useful to others, it will be published the Cocoon's web 
site! Just as Cocoon provides endless possibilities to build cool stuff, 
it also affords us an unlimited amount of creative space to write about 

Take a minute to imagine how advanced the Cocoon community would become 
if each and every Cocoon user took the time to contribute a single, 
unique FAQ, How-To, or Snippet.

Think about it.


Please check that your question  has not already been answered in the
FAQ before posting.     <http://xml.apache.org/cocoon/faq/index.html>

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