I've posted this BUG to bugzilla BUG database. Please vote for this bug

Best regards.

> Hi!
> I can confirm this problem (as postet yesterday).
> I used 2.0.2 without problems and the current cvs snapshot (co 10 
> minutes ago) fails to handle this!
> Regards,
> Gerhard
> Ivan Luzyanin wrote:
> >Hi!
> >
> >Yesterday i upgraded to Cocoon 2.1-dev from 2.0.2 and i had problem with
> >nested actions in action-sets.
> >
> >Example of action-set:
> >
> ><map:action-set name="StoryEdit">
> >      <map:act action="Post Story" type="form-validator">
> >        <map:parameter name="validate-set" value="add"/>
> >        <map:act type="dbAdd"/>
> >      </map:act>
> ></map:action-set>
> >
> >When i call this action set (form-descriptor and db descriptor passed in
> >parameters) and form validation passed successfully but dbAdd action NOT
> >EXECUTED. Logs doesn't contain any warnings or errors.
> >I wonder why nested actions workes fine with 2.0.2 version of Cocoon but
> >doesn't work with last dev snapshot?
> >
> >Env: C2 2.1dev; Tomcat 4.0.4b3, JDK1.3.1_02b(Blackdown), RH 7.3

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