
i use weblogic6.0sp2, hp-ux and cocoon2.0.2

i have a session-problem with cocoon in the following way -->

if a client connects to my webapplication, he gets data, like
adresses. then on the other way, a second client connects to
the server and also requests data.

so in some cases it could happen, that one client sees the data
of the other client. my mention is, that i have a session problem, 
that data is shown to a user don't belong to him.

in my action i look if its a new session (get the session from request).

if this is so, i read the parameters given with the url and write it 
into the session. is there another request, i look again, if the session

is new - if it is, i do the step described before - if not, i get the
from the related session. 

so i have a lot of sesisons objects on the server.

some times it could happen, that a user gets data from session-objects,
don't belong to him. i don't know, if my solution of session handling is
the best - maybe i do it wrong.

what is my problem?
is there a better solution?

greetings, chris

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