
OTOH, the adding of this context will make the Tomcat doc and Tomcat home
page unreacheable.

There are ways around it (like the adding of /root and /tomcat-docs
but replacing the default Tomcat behaviour doesn't seem to me such a good
idea; though, it may be just fine for a production environment.

In my opinion the use of mod_rewrite, ugly as it may be, is still the path
of least resistance (it doesn't alter the behaviour of anything).

Best regards,

               Luca Morandini
               GIS Consultant
              [EMAIL PROTECTED]

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Lajos Moczar [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: Tuesday, June 18, 2002 5:57 PM
> Subject: Re: URL rewriting solution in FAQ does not do the trick
> Why not do this in $CATALINA_HOME/conf/server.xml:
> <Context path="" docBase="cocoon"
>   debug="0" reloadable="true"/>
> Regards,
> Lajos
> Robert Bourdeau wrote:
> > This is more of an Apache question than a Cocoon question, but
> > hopefully someone will know what I'm doing wrong here.
> >
> > Setup: SPARC Solaris 2.7, Apache 1.3.24 w/mod_webapp (Warp),
> and Tomcat 4.0.1
> >
> > Goal:  Eliminate cocoon from the URL
> > Constraints:  Want all my custom content (XML, stylesheets,
> etc.) to be removed
> > from the Cocoon tree so I can upgrade Cocoon separately. Must
> use Apache to
> > receive request. URL mapping has to be done per virtual host.
> >
> > I looked at the FAQ, and followed the instructions. I rebuilt
> Apache with mod_rewrite
> > enabled, then added the followed code to my httpd.conf:
> >
> > <VirtualHost        myhost.mydomain:80>
> >     ServerName            myhost.mydomain
> >     DocumentRoot       /myhost.mydomain/htmls
> >
> >     <IfModule mod_rewrite.c>
> >         RewriteEngine on
> >         RewriteLog /var/adm/www/rewrite.log
> >         RewriteLogLevel 9
> >         RewriteRule ^/xml /cocoon/xml/ [R]
> >         RewriteRule ^/xml(.*) /cocoon/xml$1 [R]
> >     </IfModule>
> >
> >     WebAppConnection   conn      warp    myhost.mydomain:8008
> >     WebAppDeploy       cocoon    conn    /cocoon
> > </VirtualHost>
> >
> > I also modified the Cocoon sitemap.xmap to forward the
> processing to a sitemap
> > outside of the Cocoon tree.
> >
> > This URL works:
> >
> > http://myhost.mydomain/cocoon/xml/foo
> >     * Apache correctly passes the /cocoon/xml/foo address to
> >         Tomcat which then passes it to Cocoon. Output is correct
> >
> > This URL
> >                  http://myhost.mydomain/xml/foo
> > is redirected to http://myhost.mydomain/cocoon/xml/foo
> > and the user sees it in the browser. Not what I wanted.
> > I tried the single line [PT] variation shown in the FAQ, and
> > as indicated there, this does not work at all.
> >
> > Thoughts?
> >
> > Regards,
> > --- Bob Bourdeau
> >
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> >
> --
> Cocoon training, consulting & support
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