Hello Cocooners,

I have a simple problem filling the values of my form fields.
As it seems to be rather common and oft occuring problem i hope somebody knows a 

I have a form described in XML file test.xml (used with Stylebook
Stylesheets) :

 <form name="testform">
      Text:<text name="city" size="20"/>

I also have an Cocoon Action "GetCityAction" which sets the parameter
"city" in the sitemap.

I want the user to see the current value of the field "city" in browser, so
the content of test.xml must be changed to
 <form name="testform">
      Text:<text name="city" size="20" value="cologne"/>
before passing it to Stylebook stylessheets transformer.

Is there some elegant way to do it?

I know that could be achieved by writing a stylesheets like
<xsl:param name="city"/>
<xsl:template match="text">
 <xsl:if test="@name='city'">
    <text name="city" size="@size" value="$city" />
and sitemap like:
<map:act type="GetCityAction">
  <map:generate src="test.xml">
  <map:transform src="stylesheets/apache.xsl">
    <map:parameter name="city" value="{city}" />

but i don't want to change my stylesheets every time i add a new
variable to the form.

Andrei Svirida, Projekte & Entwicklung
MIDRAY GmbH - a debitel company
Phone:  +49.221.8884 435 
Fax:    +49.221.8884 455


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