Hello, folks.

How can I pass a parameter specified on the sitemap to a XSP (and, possibly,
a logicsheet)?

I was thinking something like this:

<map:match pattern="test-*.html">
<map:generate src="doc/test.xml" type="serverpages">
  <map:parameter name="test" value="{1}"/>
<map:transform src="stylesheets/epge/document.xsl"/>

And (somehow) the parameter "test" would be available on the XSP page.

For exampleo, if I call the URL test-HELLOWORLD.html the value of the
parameter "test", would be (on this particular example) "HELLOWORLD".

Note that I know that it is possible to pass a parameter to a XSLT page, but
I am not aware if you can do this directly to a XSP page (and even
'forwarding' the parameters to logicsheets).

If it is not possible, what alternative would you suggest?

Fabricio Chalub

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