> From: Luca Morandini [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> >           o The entry "How do I hide "cocoon" in the URL's once I
> >             integrate using mod_jk as shown above?" could be
> >             as I did not find it helpful. I could make specific
> >             suggestions, but I think that would be outside the
> >             of this list.
> Ok, ok, I've just improved it, and it'll be posted very soon by Diana.
> BTW, does anyone know whether setting "/cocoon" as default Docbase
works for
> servlets containers other than Tomcat ?

Yes. Only sometimes it is called not "default Docbase" but "webapp to
URI mapping" :)

For resin, this will be:
    <web-app id='/'>

For WebLogic (IIRC):
  <WebServer DefaultWebApp="cocoon" ... />


PS: 143 emails to go :(


> Best regards,
> ---------------------------------------------
>                Luca Morandini
>                GIS Consultant
>               [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> http://utenti.tripod.it/lmorandini/index.html
> ---------------------------------------------

Please check that your question  has not already been answered in the
FAQ before posting.     <http://xml.apache.org/cocoon/faq/index.html>

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