Hello Cocooners,

This draft is available at 
and I'd like to donate it (in XML form) to the project.

This is really basic stuff, but I think it might be useful for beginners, 
especially because it requires no prior knowledge of Cocoon, XSLT or XSL-FO 
(as long as Cocoon is up and running).

I'm definitely scratching an itch here as I will use it tomorrow for an XSLT 
and XSL-FO class that I'm teaching, so it will be field-tested sooner than 
later ;-)

Comments are welcome - I will wait a bit before creating a patch in bugzilla, 
in case changes are needed.

 Bertrand Delacrétaz (codeconsult.ch, jfor.org)

 buzzwords: XML, java, XSLT, cocoon, mentoring/teaching/coding.
 disclaimer: eternity is very long. mostly towards the end. get ready.

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