The authentication framework needs to know, that your pipeline belongs
to the handler you used for authentication. Only then the sunRise context
is available in the pipeline.

So, you have to use the action around your status pipeline, like this:

 <map:match pattern="IMA/status">
        <map:act type="sunRise-auth">
        <map:parameter name="handler" value="ima-handler"/>

        <map:generate src="IMA/status.xml" />
          <map:transform type="sunShine"/>
        <map:transform src="IMA/loginpage.xsl" />
        <map:transform type="encodeURL" />
        <map:serialize />


Carsten Ziegeler     Chief Architect     Open Source Group, S&N AG
             Cocoon Consulting, Training and Projects
mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]        

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Hugo Burm [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: Tuesday, July 02, 2002 6:17 AM
> Subject: Accessing SunRise context after authorization
> Hello,
> I am running Cocoon 2.0.2 on Tomcat 4.0.1 on W2000.
> I have build an authorization system based on the Sunshine/Sunrise
> components.
> The authorization works OK.
> After successfull authorization, the user is redirected to a status page.
> This status page can access all the SessionContexts supplied by 
> the Sunrise
> transformer.
> Except for one (and that is the one I need).
> The one I need is the SunRise context, that contains the user 
> details of the
> authorized user.
> When I try to access this context, I get an error: "Context does 
> not exist".
> When I try to create it myself, I get an error: "Context name is 
> reserved".
> How can I access this Sunrise context? Details below.
> Hugo
> ==========================================================
> <!-- snippets of the status.xml page -->
> <!-- this works OK -->
> You are:<sunshine:getxml context="request" path="/remoteAddress"/>
> <!-- This creates an error: SessionContext sunRise not found" -->
> <sunshine:getxml context="sunRise " path="/authentication/ID"/>
> <!-- This creates an error: "SessionContext with name sunRise is
> reserved" -->
> <sunshine:createcontext name="sunRise"/>
> ==========================================================
> <!-- snippets from sitemap -->
> <!-- 1
> This is the protected resource.
> Authorization is handled by ima-handler
> -->
> <map:match pattern="IMA/survey">
>       <map:act type="sunRise-auth">
>       <map:parameter name="handler" value="ima-handler"/>
>       <map:generate type="file" src="IMA/survey.xml"/>
>     </map:act>
>     <map:transform type="xslt" src="IMA/frame.xsl"/>
>     <map:serialize/>
> </map:match>
> <!-- 4
> This is the login resource. Action from loginpage.
> If login OK, redirect to status.xml
> If login Err, redirect to IMA/login-failed
> -->
> <map:match pattern="IMA/login">
>          <map:act type="sunRise-login">
>            <map:parameter name="handler" value="ima-handler"/>
>            <map:parameter name="parameter_name" value="request:name"/>
>            <map:parameter name="parameter_password"
> value="request:password"/>
>            <!-- If the authentication is successfull then this 
> redirect will
> be performed -->
>            <map:redirect-to uri="status"/>
>          </map:act>
>          <!-- authentication failed: -->
>          <map:generate src="IMA/login-failed.xml"/>
>          <map:transform src="IMA/loginpage.xsl"/>
>         <map:serialize/>
> </map:match>
> <!-- 6
> This is the page to which a successfull authorization is redirected
> -->
> <map:match pattern="IMA/status">
>               <map:generate src="IMA/status.xml" />
>                 <map:transform type="sunShine"/>
>               <map:transform src="IMA/loginpage.xsl" />
>               <map:transform type="encodeURL" />
>               <map:serialize />
> </map:match>
> ============================================================
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