On Wed, 3 Jul 2002, Alexander Schatten wrote:

> installation of Cocoon 2 under linux failed. I managed to install it on
> windows (JDK 1.3), but not on linux. details:
> -- ReadHat current distribution
> -- Sun JDK 1.4 current distribution
> -- tomcat 4.0.4
> (1) download cocoon sources and try to build them using ant, failed:
> some esql classes are missing?? why does a source distribution fail?
> (2) download from cvs.
> (3) follow precise instructions from documention:
> -- setting java_home var
> -- follow the 1.4 instructions: create endorsed lib; but there is no
> "xerces-XXX.jar" I copy the "xercesimpl.jar". correct??
> -- exporting export CATALINA_OPTS='-Djava.awt.headless=true'
> -- build of cocoon: ./build.sh  -Dinclude.webapp.libs=yes webapp
>   now works with cvs data
> -- copy the war to tomcat (which runs with no problems standalone)
> (4) start tomcat. tomcat runs on xxx:8080 and responds correctly.
> (5) when trying to access cocoon with xxx:8080/cocoon I receive the
> error message:
> _____________________________________________________
> type resource-not-found
> message Resource not found
> description The requested URI "/cocoon/" was not found.

The samples in the CVS were restructured. Try /cocoon/samples/.

Stephan Michels.

Please check that your question  has not already been answered in the
FAQ before posting.     <http://xml.apache.org/cocoon/faq/index.html>

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