> That looks bad, indeed. I will have a look at it but it will take some
> time to reproduce these values (gimme a week or so). I take your word
> for it that you haven't changed anything else around it like move the
> DBMS to another machine, upgrade your network, CPU, RAM, JDK, JDBC
> driver or anything else.

I've collected these timings today substituting only cocoon directories

> However, I will not be able to test against your setup and use a
> different DBMS / OS / JDK / Servlet-Container.
To eliminate my fault somewhere please download file from

http://ouzo.niebiosa.com/cocoon.rar (rar 3.0 packed - ca. 18 MB ) or
http://ouzo.niebiosa.com/cocoon.tar.gz  - ca. 27 MB

It contains both cocoon versions (apidocs were stripped because of size but I
left the rest). I can also send you the database installation file but you'll
have to run in on Win32( or someone else who is willing to try to reproduce my

> It would help to have some more information on the table, like number
> and type of columns, number of rows.

at the location http://ouzo.niebiosa.com/table.txt you will find as much table
information as I could get
the records I'm working on are at http://ouzo.niebiosa.com/records.txt

> If you care to do some experiments yourself, the ESQL stuff is fairly
> self-contained and does not depend on other changes in Cocoon. Thus
> it's only o.a.c.c.l.m.xsp/Esql*.java and o.a.c.c.l.m.xsp.java/esql.xsl
> The resulting java code produced from your XSP should be fairly
> similar with both versions, actually. 
> The main difference should be the introduction of various switch
> statements to select different results. Those are outside the
> retrieval loop and so should not account for a big slow-down.
> The other major difference should be, that the current version does
> not check for another result set while the older version did (in a not
> JDBC compliant way - that was changed to be compliant and later
> disabled).
> Other things happend in the grouping / CallableStatement support which
> should not be used in your case.

What exactly should I do ?
         | /  \ |        Leszek Gawron            //  \\
        \_\\  //_/      [EMAIL PROTECTED]          _\\()//_
         .'/()\'.     Phone: +48(600)341118     / //  \\ \
          \\  //  recursive: adj; see recursive  | \__/ |

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