On 04.Jul.2002 -- 01:11 PM, Paul Pattison wrote:
> Hi all,
> I'm writing a small web app that at one stage needs to take the input from a
> textarea, parse it in a special way and then store it in the database.
> What's the best way for me to do this?  I was thinking that I should write
> my own custom Action to do this.  Any thoughts?

I would suggest to leverage the existing components, i.e. DatabaseActions.
With the traditional ones (2.0.x) you could get away with writing an action
that parses the data, stores it in a request attribute and let a DatabaseAction
to the job.
With the DatabaseActions from the modular package (scratchpad in 2.0.[23], or
2.1) you would need to write an InputModule for the parsing.

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