i am new to cocoon and want to parse a xml document
which is made by a php-file.
i call the file like this:
my sitemap entry looks like this:
<map:match pattern="test/getSomething.php">
  <map:generate src="http://localhost/test/getSomething.php>
    <map:parameter name="use-request-parameter" value="true"/>
  <map:select type="browser">
    --- snipp - no problems here
but it does not work.
cocoon does not call the source file with the query string,
so the variables in my php file are empty.
i also tried out something like this:
<map:match pattern="test/getSomething.php*">
  <map:generate src="http://localhost/test/getSomething.php{1}>
    <map:parameter name="use-request-parameter" value="true"/>
but the same problem.
does anyone know what's wrong with my sitemap entry
and how i can fix it?
i would be very grateful if someone could help me
and thank you in advance.
i use cocoon 2.0.1 with tomcat 4.0.3.
zein dowe

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