Humm.  I'll try that.  I still hope someone will look at my patch to 
CInclude as:

1. I imagine that its faster
2. I like the syntax better
3. I don't know why it shouldn't support some form of element selection.


Stephan Michels wrote:

>On 7 Jul 2002, Andrew C. Oliver wrote:
>>does this for me:
>>org.apache.cocoon.ResourceNotFoundException: Resource not found.:
>>org.apache.excalibur.source.SourceNotFoundException: Resource not found
>>So it looks like I'm stuck with an additional transformation.  Which (as
>>a situation) bites.
>I think the problem is the 'base' attribute. If you don't specify the
>'base' the XInclude transformer takes the location from the document,
>which is, I think,
>So, to prevent that, you could create an base attribute
><xi:include xml:base="cocoon:/"
>>On Sun, 2002-07-07 at 17:23, Stephan Michels wrote:
>>>On 7 Jul 2002, Andrew C. Oliver wrote:
>>>>Thanks for your reply.  This is very close to what I want.
>>>>So I'm almost there, but I have to have a root element on the
>>>>categories_combo.xml "page".  Its <xmlformcategories>.  I only
>>>>want whats in between the root element.  CInclude appears to not
>>>>support the xpointer as it was trying to treat it as part of the URL.
>>>>I'd hoped that the "element" attribute of the <cinclude:include> tag
>>>>would allow this, but it actually seems to be for doing the opposite.
>>>>I suppose I can apply an additional layer of transformation that takes
>>>>the output, includes everything but the <xformcategories> and then
>>>>includes its children, but that is very inefficient and kinda of a pain,
>>>>Is there a more straightforward way to take only the children of the
>>>>xmformcategories, include them without including the xmlformcategories
>>>><cinclude:include src="cocoon:/categories_combo.xml"
>>>>or something to that effect
>>>And whats the result of
>>>Perhaps you forget the 'parse' attribute?
>>>>source of requestform.xml:
>>>><?xml version="1.0"?>
>>>>    <document xmlns:xf="";
>>>>              xmlns:cinclude="";>
>>>>      <xf:form id="request-form" view="requestform"
>>>>        <error>
>>>>          <xf:violations class="error"/>
>>>>        </error>
>>>>        <xf:selectMany ref="/category" selectUIType="listbox">
>>>>            <xf:caption>Category</xf:caption>
>>>>            <cinclude:include src="cocoon:/categories_combo.xml" />
>>>>            <xf:violations class="error"/>
>>>>        </xf:selectMany>
>>>>        <xf:textbox ref="/title">
>>>>            <xf:caption>Title/Item Name (no HTML)</xf:caption>
>>>>            <xf:violations class="error"/>
>>>>        </xf:textbox>
>>>>.... snip ....
>>>>        <xf:textbox ref="/password">
>>>>            <xf:caption>Password</xf:caption>
>>>>            <xf:violations class="error"/>
>>>>        </xf:textbox>
>>>>        <xf:submit id="next" class="button">
>>>>          <xf:caption>Next</xf:caption>
>>>>        </xf:submit>
>>>>      </xf:form>
>>>>    </document>
>>>>output from categories_combo.xml:
>>>><xformcategories xmlns:xf="";>
>>>><xf:caption>Original Art</xf:caption>
>>>><xf:caption>Office Supplies</xf:caption>
>>>>On Sun, 2002-07-07 at 14:59, Stephan Michels wrote:
>>>>>On Sun, 7 Jul 2002, Ivelin Ivanov wrote:
>>>>>>We could use some help from the XInclude/Cinclude experts for
>>>>>>the problem Oliver is trying to solve.
>>>>>>----- Original Message -----
>>>>>>From: "Andrew C. Oliver" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>>>>>>To: "cocoon users" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>>>>>>Sent: Sunday, July 07, 2002 12:17 PM
>>>>>>Subject: Re: including dynamic data with XMLForm
>>>>>>>Hi Ivelin,
>>>>>>>Thanks for your reply.
>>>>>>>This isn't quite quite working.  It seems to insist on resolving to a
>>>>>>>ERROR   (2002-07-07) 09:08.29:743   [sitemap]
>>>>>>>Thread-45/XIncludeTransformer: Error in processXIncludeElement
>>>>>>>org.apache.cocoon.ResourceNotFoundException: Resource not found.:
>>>>>>>org.apache.excalibur.source.SourceNotFoundException: Resource not found
>>>>>If I unterstand you right, categories_combo.xml should be generated by the
>>>>>sitemap. But XInclude transformer tries to read the file from the
>>>>>>>My xinclude statement reads currently as follows:
>>>>>>>   <map:match pattern="action/categories_combo.xml">
>>>>>>>    <map:generate src="content/dynamic/categories.xsp"
>>>>>>>    <map:transform src="stylesheets/categories2combo.xsl"/>
>>>>>>>    <map:serialize type="html"/>
>>>>>>>   </map:match>
>>>>>>>my xform page reads:
>>>>>>>        <xf:selectMany ref="/category" selectUIType="listbox">
>>>>>>>            <xf:caption>Category</xf:caption>
>>>>>>>            <xi:include
>>>>>I think you should use cocoon://categories_combo.xml instead, and
>>>>>use the CInclude transformer.
>>>>>>>            <xf:violations class="error"/>
>>>>>>>        </xf:selectMany>
>>>>>>>(this isn't exactly where I want it but I figured I'd move back if I got
>>>>>>>it working).
>>>>>>>Note the pointer is because I need to have a root element to make the
>>>>>>>document valid.  I'd rather not make my root element the selectMany.
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