Hi cocooners,

i have moved some of the jars needed for my cocoon application
out from <Tomcat-Webapps>/cocoon/WEB-INF/lib directory to /opt/lib

E.g., file <Tomcat-Webapps>/cocoon/WEB-INF/lib/test.jar is at
/opt/lib/test.jar now.

After that, i inserted
into cocoon/WEB-INF/web.xml.

Inspite of that cocoon servlet fails to find the classes from test.jar
and throws ClassNotFoundException.

My OS is SunOS, Cocoons version is 2.0.2
The same problem exists also on my Windows-PC with Cocoon 2.0.2.

Has anybody an idea how to fix it?


Andrei Svirida, Projekte & Entwicklung
MIDRAY GmbH - a debitel company
Phone:  +49.221.8884 435 
Fax:    +49.221.8884 455


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