As I understand it handling successful form posting in XSP (e.g. without
actions) can't involve redirecting the user back to the calling page.

E.g. given the following pages:

index.html -> main page, lists all widgets
form.html -> form to add a new widget
doPost.xsp -> add the widget

in most cases, you'd like doPost.xsp to redirect back to the index.html page
on _success_ to show the new widget added to the list.

However in Cocoon 2.0.X:

- you can't redirect from an XSP file

- map:redirect-to can't be used after some stage in the pipeline (what is
that stage?)

I understand how to use the form validator to redisplay form.html until
input is correct but I don't quite know how to handle the post (without an

Hmm. I just remembered that I can use XSP to create an action. I just might
struggle with that next.

Any other suggestions are welcome,


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