On 09.Jul.2002 -- 03:13 PM, Leona Slepetis wrote:
> Hi All,
> I've gone  through the samples and archives and still am having trouble
> getting return values from an Action.
>       <map:act type="gs-login">
>           <map:redirect-to uri="summary">
>             <map:parameter name="playerID" value="{playerID}"/>
>     <map:match pattern="summary">
>         <map:parameter name="playerID" value="{1}"/>

I've deleted all but the relevant lines. Since you send a redirect
response to the browser, processing ends.

The browser requests a new page. For this (second) request, no action
is run, thus no values are set.

  client                 cocoon


If you need to keep the value, you could
a) use cocoon: protocol in a generator
b) put summary in a resource and call it
c) store value e.g. in session


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/ information worked for you when you consider your problem
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generation and searching the list easier. In addition, it makes
helping you more fun. Thank you.

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