On 11.Jul.2002 -- 09:58 AM, Andrew C. Oliver wrote:
> I've got a number of pages that render relative links, but my 
> application's root is subject to change.  I could set the
> link base in every document but that would be a bit painful (to say the 
> least).  
> Is there a way to set a parameter in the sitemap that can be accessed in 
> all pipelines?  Or maybe some other way to
> achieve the same thing?

Andrew, this question has been discussed at great lengths before, please
refer to the archieves for a thourough discussion.

options include:
a) sitemap-wide parameters in 2.1 "global-parameters"
b) DefaultsMetaModule in 2.1, setting application wide parameters in 
   cocoon.xconf and use by "{my-defaults:base-uri}" for example
c) set base url in stylesheet that processes all pages
   (could be prvided with a parameter from a) or b)
d) ant task and place holders "@uri-base@"
e) variation of d): use sed / awk / whatever and place holders


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