    I am running cocoon-2.0.2 under tomcat-4.0.3 and fop-0.20.3.
i used fop to generate PDF.

useconfig file is specified in sitemap.xmap as following:

   <map:serializer logger="sitemap.serializer.fop"
        mime-type="application/pdf" name="fo2pdf"
        <user-config src="F:/project/OTSYS/userconfig.xml"/>

following are defined in the userconfig.xml

  <font metrics-file="file:///F:/project/OTSYS/simsun.xml" kerning="yes"
       <font-triplet name="mysimsun" style="normal" weight="normal"/>

in fo i use mysimsun as following:

     <fo:block-container position="absolute" top="16mm" left="5mm"
        width="100mm" height="16mm" font-size="8pt">
      <fo:block text-align="left" font-family="mysimsun">
       <xsl:value-of select="shipper_co_addr" />

following error out in the logs of tomcat:

    2002-07-23 13:26:50 ERROR   (2002-07-23) 13:26.50:017   [fop     ]
(/OTSYS/report/bill/APL) HttpProcessor[8080][0]/MessageHandler: unknown font
mysimsun,normal,normal so defaulted font to any

who can point out the miss?



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