
    I was just trying to change the XMLFormTransformer to add an
    <i18n:text> tag, when the Transformer is dealing with violations.
    I tried the following in the startElementViolations method:

      1.) I tried to add the tag like this:

      // render <violation> tag
            super.startElement(uri, TAG_VIOLATION, NS_PREFIX + ":" +
TAG_VIOLATION, attributes );
             // set message
       String startInter = "<i18n:text>";
        String endInter = "</i18n:text>";
            String vm = nextViolation.getMessage();
       String result = startInter + vm + endInter;
            super.characters( result.toCharArray(), 0, result.length());

            super.endElement(uri, TAG_VIOLATION, NS_PREFIX + ":" +

      2.) and like this:

      INTER_PREFIX = "i18n"
      Here I thought that I could create the i18n tag like the
xf:validation tag is created

      // render <violation> tag
            super.startElement(uri, TAG_VIOLATION, NS_PREFIX + ":" +
TAG_VIOLATION, attributes );
        AttributesImpl emptyAttributes = new AttributesImpl();
        super.startElement(null, null, INTER_PREFIX + ":" + TAG_INTER,
            String vm = nextViolation.getMessage();
            super.characters( vm.toCharArray(), 0, vm.length());
        super.endElement(null, null, INTER_PREFIX + ":" + TAG_INTER);
            super.endElement(uri, TAG_VIOLATION, NS_PREFIX + ":" +

Both ways did not work. In the first case I got an error message like this:
but it was not translated - so I think that there were no real tags.
The second case was ignored completely  - according to the log.

Maybe somebody can advise if I do this at the right place, or if I should
try somewhere else
or how the Transformer works regarding the super.startElement() - if this
is the way how
to add a new element to the xml or if this is done differently?

thanx again for any help,


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