sub : Using XMLFORM's jbean get methods from a custom

Hello all,

May be I was not clear enough last time.

I was able to succesfuly run the xmlform on
cocoon 2.1. Refereing to the how-to-example, I
understand that by the time the user reaches the
confirm page all the values are already in the jbean.
I want to know how to call
the bean's get methods form a custom generator that
extends ServletGenerator. I want to have the custom
generator generate the results depending upon how the
form is filled in by the user.

I want to configure the sitemap such that both
(xmlform and the custom generator) are in the same
pipeline. For example, the user access the xmlform ,
the value from the bean are used by the generator
(generating XML) and displayed (using xslt
transformation) in the same pipeline as an output.

I am not sure what I have to do for that. Please help.

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