If you want to do it with the current system you
1 - create an action that processes you XSP and stores
  it as DOM on the request, similar to ServerPagesAction
2 - create an action that given XPath will find the
  node/attribute in a stored DOM and return it's value
  as a sitemap parameter.
3 - use the sitemap parameter for your logic.
4 - have a generator that serializes the stored DOM
    into sax events, similar to SessionAttributeGenerator.


> -----Original Message-----
> From: Michael Wechner [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: Monday, August 12, 2002 9:49 AM
> Subject: XPath selector or XPath matcher
> Hi
> Is anybody working on a XPath selector or XPath matcher?
> I have situations where I would like to select the pipeline or
> at least the XSLT depending on the value of an attribute within the 
> generated XML.
> Thanks
> Michael
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