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Hello Albert,
> > Hello Albert,
> > thanks for your fast answer.
> >> > I've a little strange problem with xinclude. I get a exception with
> >> "Premature  end of file", but accessing the URI (cocoon://...)
> >> directly works. Has  someone a hint where to look at?
> >> Have you checked if it is a well formed xml file?
> > I've checked it with xmllint, which gives no errors.
> Ok then.

> > When I look into it, it also seems ok.
> > And it is created via xml serializer, so I don't know, how it shouldn't
> > be  well formed.
> The xml serializer doesn't guarantee that the document is well formed,
> xmllint does.

> >> You may access it with cocoon:// but not with xinclude
> > Is it possible to see, where exactly the problem is? A line number or
> > the  element would be a help.
> I don't know if a log transformer after the xinclude would be of any
> help... If you want to try it put
> <xsl:transform type="log">
>   <xsl:parameter name="logfile" value="filename.log"/>
> </xsl:transform>
> I believe that as it is within a pipe a process will be thrown for each
> transform and it is not necessary that one has finished for the other to
> be started so you may log only until where it crashed... it's just an
> idea..
I've tried it. It looks OK in my opinion. It also ends with an endDocument.

With kind regards
        Torsten Knodt
Version: GnuPG v1.0.7 (GNU/Linux)


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