I don't know, if you're interested in that, but I've got some additions to
your suggestions:

* CRM/ERP System:
  Compiere (http://www.compiere.org/)
* XML Editor for Content Editing:
  Xopus 2 (http://www.xopus.org/)
* Content Management System:
  Wyona (http://www.wyona.org/)
* SVG Editing:
  Kontour (KDE KOffice Application, http://www.koffice.org/kontour/)
* eBusiness Integration
  Open3 Projects and Components (http://www.open3.org/)
* Enterprise Network Management:
  OpenNMS (http://www.opennms.org/)
* Single-Sign-On:
  Liberty Alliance Standard (no products yet?)
* Central User Management: ?
* Workflow Management:
  OpenFlow (http://www.openflow.it/EN/)
  Open Business Engine (http://www.openbusinessengine.org/)
  Open For Business (http://www.ofbiz.org/)
* Instant Messaging:
  Jabber (http://www.jabber.org/)
* Shop/eCommerce
  Open For Business (http://www.ofbiz.org/)

I could imagine even more business areas, where a complete open source based
integration would be like heaven.
Please give comments, I'm interesting in your suggestions.

> -----Ursprüngliche Nachricht-----
> Von: Vegan Portal [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Gesendet: Mittwoch, 14. August 2002 14:53
> Betreff: sexy open source
> Hi cocooners,
> Now that I have your attention, I would like to
> discuss the ideal of non-compromised development of
> full-blown, stable, scallable and manageable
> applications with open-source only and how far one
> could get to fulfill this. It is probably little OT on
> this list, but I think a bunch of very open-minded and
> progressive folks is here, so I hope I could get some
> discussion going.
> I think many of you have reached some status quo which
> could be of great service to all the newcomers.
> Nevertheless, everybody is probably tired of yet
> another bugs, yet another unanswered questions, yet
> another everyday technology-related problems and there
> is no end to this. But I have a faith that there is
> some solution that could be achieved with open source
> and it waits to be discovered.
> It starts with what one wants to achieve. For me, it
> is secure content-centric multi-user roles web portal,
> with professional design, able to serve without
> interruption even by ongoing changes and high user
> traffic. But I think the framework I'd like to propose
> here may be universal enough to be equally worth also
> for many other means.
> If you got so far with me, I'd like to start being
> concrete:
> 1) Operating system
> Proposal: Linux
> Remarks: One could discuss the distributions or other
> Unix derivates here, but I think it's irrelevant for
> further points.
> 2) Programming language
> Proposal: pure Java 1.3.1x
> Remarks: I know many of you are trying 1.4 out, but it
> may still take some time to be able to be used for
> production sites. Moreover, many open source
> technologies were still not ported to 1.4. Correct me
> if I'm wrong.
> 3) Application framework
> Proposal: JBoss 3.x
> Remarks: This is worth discussion, as many of you use
> iPlanet or don't use any J2EE or related technologies
> at all. I think JBoss is good for achieving
> scallability for the site. What concrete parts of
> JBoss are involved, is very OT here.
> 4) Business Logic Persistence
> Proposal: Firebird RDBMS as JBoss service
> Remarks: I personally think it is most evolved
> open-source database now. The problem is, almost
> nobody uses it, the JDBC driver is beta etc. Next good
> candidate could be PostgreSQL - with more user
> support, so maybe better solution. Any ideas?
> 5) Web container
> Proposal: Jetty as JBoss service
> Remarks: I know Tomcat is more used, but Jetty is
> easier to be integrated into JBoss and both offer
> similar if not same functionality. This is a point I
> would like to discuss further.
> 6) Content Persistence
> Proposal: stand-alone XIndice
> Remarks: This component should be used only for
> content without business logic, outside J2EE, for
> example for simple static content editing templates
> and external content syndicate subscription. Simply
> for everything that's too light to be served by deep
> application logic. Did anybody use it already? That's
> a question.
> 7) Content Framework
> Proposal: Cocoon, what else :)
> Remarks: The task of Cocoon is to separate Logic from
> Design, what it should be good at. I want to get more
> detailed here: Starting with structured XSP,
> xincluding or transforming (what is better?) parts of
> final site together, using taglib logicsheets for
> access to business logic that is delegated to J2EE
> (did anybody here got it working?), other taglib for
> content persistence and yet other for reused content
> elements. The XSP should contain as little Java as
> possible, all hrefs should be good organized with
> sitemap and XForm could be used for user inputs (are
> we so far?). XSP should somehow incorporate JAAS from
> JBoss for user authorisation to access the documents
> (anybody tried this?) The result of multiple
> transformations is then complete site as XML, that is
> further processed using XSLT to incorporate the design
> and graphics and serialized to appropriate end format.
> If possible, all the vector design elements should be
> dynamically created using SVG (anybody?), page should
> be somehow cacheable for better response times (???)
> and the final result should be optimized for several
> types of client (is DELI of use here?) and/or
> serialized to PDF (do I expect too much?). The
> workflow by creating the content can be following:
> After initial discussion between involved parties,
> dummy working XSP/XSL is/are created, possibly reusing
> already available static elements from taglibs. Then,
> database/J2EE developers work on filling it with
> propper dynamic data, content writers type in
> internationalized static texts and designers are
> parallel creating more mature XSL, icons, SVG and thin
> client customizations. Working adjustments are posted
> to versioning system without injuring established
> interfaces to other team members. Final version
> emerges and the team could proceed to other page.
> Seems like heaven to me, but is probably hell to
> achieve. Or is similar optimized team workflow
> available anywhere in this world?
> 8) Web frontend
> Proposal: Apache
> Remarks: This is only for security reasons - the task
> of Apache is just to forward the requests. I think
> more of you are using it, true?
> 9) Suporting Tools
> XML editor: ??? (I use several or write the XML from
> scratch)
> XSL editor: ??? (Did not find good free one)
> SVG editor: ??? (any free one available?)
> Versioning: CVS (makes some trouble for JBoss)
> Dev IDE: Eclicpse (I use JBuilder now but want to
> switch)
> Sitemap editor: Pollo (is there anything else?)
> Project Management: PHPMyProject (or other web-based
> solution?)
> Database Management: ibMyAdmin (depending on DB, of
> course)
> Project Modeling: Poseidon CE (used to visualize the
> business proccess, generating DB structure, EJB and
> documentation from XMI is still not mature enough for
> serious use in my eyes)
> anything else you use?
> Now, I got about 80% of above configuration working,
> but have severe problems with integrating the rest.
> I'm eager to share my experience with anybody who is
> interested and even more eager to get the rest or
> another worthy combination to work together. Many
> times I feel like reinventing the wheel, or some
> dreaded little problem of incompatibility makes me to
> start again with other versions of components. I hope
> I could find anybody to go through this hell with me
> and then share the results for the community. There
> are probably other people trying to achieve similar
> environments, I would be happy to know about them and
> their progress.
> OK, I'd better stop now, this post got too long for
> occupied open-source developer eyes.
> Thank you in advance,
> Feel free to mail me personally ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
> if you think this list is not the propper place for
> such a discussion,
> Peter.
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