Steven Punte wrote:

>In the cocoon environment, XSP provides a great
>way of address problems that don't fit into 
>the paradigm of an existing generator.
>However, XSP can only be used at the first
>step in a pipeline.
>I find myself writing lots of custom transformers
>to address issues that don't fit into any 
>of the existing standard generators.
>Would there be a way to write an XSP Transformer?
>How about we call this "XST" for now. 

I have prototype working, I named it XSPT. Did not had time to complete.

I was thinking to implement XSPT on top of STX language 


> Some of
>it's characteristics would be:
>o  A conventional transformer class would exits.
>o  In a pipeline, one would specify the above 
>     transformer and a particular xst file.
>o  The xst file would be compile automatically
>     when needed.
>o  A basic internal design would simply allow
>     hooks to the various SAX events (i.e. start and
>     end of element and document).
>o  Output events could be nicely written as in xsp
>     like "<yada><xst:expr>string</xst:expr></yada>"
>o  Perhaps a more a more interesting internal
>     model would come with a stack to facilitate
>     more complex processing.
>Steve Punte
>Candlelight Software

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