Leszek Gawron wrote:

>I have quite a problem that I think some of you also might have.
>I'd like to package my web application along with cocoon to make a nice one
>file .war "automatic" installation package. I have already found that there is
>a special build target for cocoon that produces a framework with no examples
>or docs ( "clean-webapp" it is ). The problem is that my cocoon app consists
>of one automounted directory, jdbc driver declaration in web.xml and
>datasource definition in cocoon.xconf, so some files (apart from adding) have
>to be modified also.

There are provisions in build.xml to add parts into sitemap and 
cocoon.xconf files. Just see any of the *.xpipe, *.xconf, *.xmap files 
throughout the src/ directory. Add your own files, they will be picked 
up by build process.


>I do not want to modify cocoon's build.xml file because that would lead me to
>changing it every time i download new distribution.
>Is there any simple solution for my problem?
>       ouzo

Please check that your question  has not already been answered in the
FAQ before posting.     <http://xml.apache.org/cocoon/faq/index.html>

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