On Mon, 19 Aug 2002, Per Kreipke wrote:

> > > I can't quite find in the current source tree any other writeable source
> > > other than the SlideSource or the FileSource.
> > >
> > > Is there already a WriteableSource that can POST to a HTTP resource?
> > >
> > > Or is there another built-in way to have Frontier POST data from some
> > > sitemap component (e.g. XSP, generator, transformer, action)?
> > >
> > > Thanks for any pointers,
> > >
> > > Per
> >
> > Do you mean PUT instead of POST? Then yes, I have wrote a WebDAVSource
> > some time ago, and removed because of some incompatibilities with
> > the httpclient lib.
> - Do those incompats still exist? Would I just be banging my head needlessly
> :-)?
> - It would presumably show me how to POST if I wanted to. I'm interested in
> saving data by POSTing an XML snippet in text/xml form to a backend DB.
> > I got never the time to test it, if you are interested:
> >
> > cvs -Q update -p -r1.2
> > src/scratchpad/src/org/apache/cocoon/components/source/impl/WebDAV
> > Source.java
> >
> > cvs -Q update -p -r1.1
> > src/scratchpad/src/org/apache/cocoon/components/source/impl/WebDAV
> > SourceFactory.java
> I'll definitely look if I'm not going to be stymied by the httpclient lib.

You should take the httpclient from the Slide project. Reasons why Slide
have his own copy of the lib can be found at



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