On 20.Aug.2002 -- 04:11 PM, Barbara Post wrote:


in short: you cannot. If you had a redirect after the response is
already produced, it would be ignored. In addition, you may not have a
pipeline with a generator but without a serializer (correction:
call-ressource may be the last, but eventually, there needs to be a

> I have a series of transformers (last one inserts in a database) then want

I would consider it bad design to modify data in a transformer if the
result depends on the outcome.

> to go to another pipeline (anyway I have to do a generation from new xml,
> not the DB successful insertion message) without having interaction with the
> user, how can I do that ?

Apart from needing a serializer for this particular pipeline anyways,
you might get away using aggregation.

           <map:part src="pipeline-that-does-db-transform"/>
           <map:part src="pipeline-that-does-real-work"/>

Difficult to pass a parameter from part one to part two,
though. Request or session attributes would do.

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