I have a further question on this.

>>Actions are java code which i write seperatly from everything else. 


>>Do i save this file as a.java or .jsp?

>.java, and then you compile it.

>>What directories do i have to place in into in order for it to properly

>you can compile it from anywhere, but you need your classpath set up to
include anything mentioned in your .java file.

>>and for the sitemap to see it?

>after it's compiled, place it in WEB-INF/classes (if you've used a package
declaration, remember to duplicate the directory >structure of the package).
Alternatively you can jar it up with any other classes you create and place
it in WEB-INF/lib

I have made a package, but I don't understand this part:
(if you've used a package declaration, remember to duplicate the directory
structure of the package)

Duplicate the directory structure? 
I don't know how?
And where to place?

>>Does this compiling happen automatically or do i have to do it manually?


 >Hope that helps,
 >Geoff Howard 

thanks and regards

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