Hi all,

I have created a simple pipeline to create an svg document which is then
serialized using the SVGSerializer.

        <map:match pattern="*.svg">
                <map:generate src="buisCard.xml"/>
                <map:transform src="card2svg.xsl"/>
                <map:serialize type="svg2jpeg"/>

The text in the document is Eras, but when it goes through the
serializer it is converted to a default font. 

When I output the document directly to svg, the fonts come out fine,
something is happening in the serializer to change the fonts. Is there a
parameter or something that has to be set on the serializer like the
config file for fonts in fo2pdf, I haven't been able to find any hints
in the archives or anywhere, please help.

My setup: Tomcat 4.0.4,
            Cocoon 2.0.3,
            Jdk 1.4

Thanx, Kyle

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