zze-STIENNE Nicolas FTRD/DMI/CAE wrote:

>Hi !!
>Thanks a lot for this explanation... it realy helped me.
>Remember : 
> I worked with Tomcat 4.0.4, JDK 1.3.1_03 and Cocoon2.0.2 under W2000.
> I want to use the Cocoon2.0.3 version.
> I installed it as describe in the "Installing Apache Cocoon" page.


>      <map:match pattern="internet/espaceclient/espaceclient.info">
>        <map:generate src="documents/espaceclient/login.xml"/>
>        <map:transform src="stylesheets/internet/info2.xsl">
>          <map:parameter name="section" value="espaceclient"/>
>          <map:parameter name="base-url" value="/cocoon/transrapide"/>
>       </map:transform>
>       <map:call resource="InternetMenuPage">
>         <map:parameter name="section" value="espaceclient"/>
>          <map:parameter name="request-url" value="{2}.{3}"/>
>        </map:call>
>       <map:serialize/>
>      </map:match>

This does not look as valid pipeline. Resource you are calling must be 
complete pipeline, i.e. contain at least generator - serializer pair, 
and when you call resource, you must not use any other generator. And, 
you should not have serializer here (it is ignored anyway).

See more on resources:

See also samples sitemap.


>Obviously, this worked with 2.0.2...
>Nicolas !!

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