Hi all there,

after while of staying back just lurking I'm back --- with a new (?)
little problem.

We want to upload files from the client to the server. The example
packaged with the C2.0.3 distribution is just right for what we want,
with just one little snag:

If the filename contains special characters like German umlauts (see
what they look like in my name: Bär), these special characters are
converted to something else. Depending on the platform the Tomcat
server is running on the umlauts are converted to question marks
(Solaris) oder rectangles (Win2k/XP).

* Does anyone of you know how to preserve the filename during upload? *

If the filename changes the follow-up processing has no chance to
find it. That is our problem.

Thanks in advance, best wishes

        Peter Bär

P.S.: Sorry for posting twice, forgot to specify a subject last time.

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