Redirect from an sub-sitemap to the login page does
not seem to be working in authentication framework.


If you have a protected page in subsitemap.
The redirection in sub-sitemap (in case of not
authenticated) is not able to go to login page (in

      <map:match pattern="protected">
                <map:act type="auth-protect">
                        <map:parameter name="handler" value="AuthHandler"/>

                <map:transform type="encodeURL"/>
            <!-- something was wrong, redirect to
login page -->
            <map:redirect-to uri="../login"/>   <!--
this does not work even cocoon:/login does not work 

It look for login in the current sitemap.
But i fixed this problem this way:

      <map:match pattern="login">
             <map:redirect-to uri="../login"/>

      <map:match pattern="protected">
                <map:act type="auth-protect">
                        <map:parameter name="handler" value="AuthHandler"/>

                <map:transform type="encodeURL"/>
            <!-- something was wrong, redirect to
login page -->
            <map:redirect-to uri="login"/>

Obvioulsy this is not a right way......... is it a bug
or am i going wrong somewhere?


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