ok, Wyona now includes Xopus.
You can try it out at

(login with "wyona" and "levi".)

Note, that this publication is generating a RSS, which is XIncluded
by another publication:

I have also updated the documentation with regard to Xopus a bit:

There you will find info on "Browser Requirements" to be able to use Xopus.

In case you are interested in the code then just use the
CVS version:


The next step will be to get rid of the Wyona dependencies
and maybe move it to cocoon-apps or cocoondev

Another step would be to further refactor it, for instance make
it work with arbitrary sources (for instance HSQLDB) or even
write a WebDAV driver for Xopus such that it can be used together
with Slide.

Have fun


Michael Wechner wrote:

> Marcelo F. Ochoa wrote:
>> Michael Wechner wrote:
>> I would like to include Xopus editor into DBPrism CMS.
>> But, probably we will meet at OSCOM San Francisco :) then I will use 
>> this oportunity to know Xopus in deep.
> Sure. Yes, I am sure we will meet and we can connect it to DBPrism CMS 
> just there on the spot if you like.
> BTW: Xopus will also give a presentation (we have to update the program 
> though), quite probably on Thursday September 26 at 17:00.
> Michael
>>> Michael
>>   Best regards, Marcelo.

OSCOM - Open Source Content Management Conference
September 25th - 27th 2002, Berkeley, California

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