> Log doesn't really help since there are nested actions...

Hi Barabara:

The bug in C2.1 lastest CVS is the nested actions!

I have the same problem, I cannot use the tutorial (about database 
form-validation). This is a really hard problem.

I send you some responses about the same problem:

Gerhard wrote:

Check: http://nagoya.apache.org/bugzilla/show_bug.cgi?id=9835

Please, confirm this bug, I hope someone will investigate this issue. 
This bug is the reason I can't switch to 2.1 (and still use 2.0.3).

Also, Chris Haul wrote:

"Since this is not advocated officially, I respond off-list. 2.1 resources
have a feature / bug, so they will *return* to the calling statement
if no serializer is found.

With this you can use resources very similar to action-sets, although
you need to code the selector yourself.

Opinions differ whether this is a feature that will stay or a bug that
will be squashed, Since This discussion was end of spring, I hope it 
will stay :-)

If it doesn't you'll have an easy migration back to working action-sets
by changing a few tag names and removing the selector."

But, I dont can find documentation about how to use <map:resources> :(

Antonio Gallardo

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