Hi -

I'm attempting to configure a simple "toy" site with cocoon
(2.0.3). I have a pipeline which delivers (almost) all pages by
aggregating a "content" xml file with a "navigation" xml file
(and doing a little transformation on the result).  This is
matched on almost every URI I get:

   <map:match pattern="**">
    <map:aggregate element="page" ns="http://eaccess.rince.ie/xmlns/local";>
     <map:part src="template/site-nav.xml"/>
     <map:part src="content/{1}.xml"/>
    <map:transform src="xslt/page-layout-tables.xslt"/>
    <map:transform src="xslt/strip-xhtmlns.xslt"/>

My problem: because the pattern match is (deliberately) so broad,
this matches nonsense URIs - for which I would like to return a
"proper" 404 status.  But - apparently - if a <map:part> doesn't
generate any content (in this case because the corresponding file
does not exist) that does not raise any exception for the
pipeline as a whole.  So if I use a nonsense URI, instead of a
404 I get a page with an empty content part (and a normal
navigation part).

I have tried moving the reading of the content file into a
pipeline of its own (and using the "cocoon:" protocol in map:part
to get to it).  If I contrive to use that pipeline in isolation,
for a nonsense URL, I get a standard cocoon exception page
(albeit with a 500 status instead of 404); but when I use the
aggregating pipeline it still "silently" returns an empty content

As far as I can see, <map-error-handler> is not relevant to this
(as it would only allow customisation of the error page - but I'm
not getting such a page at all?).

I have trawled both the docs and the mailing list, but without
finding any clear guide on what to do here (but I freely admit
I'm only slowly coming up to speed).  I can imagine a variety
of ways of fixing this; but I'm wondering is there a "preferred"
or "recommended" approach - it seems like a fairly general issue?


- Barry.


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