
I was trying to reproduce your issue but failed. Can you put together 
small test case with short XML file, sitemap snippet, actual text 
output, and desired text output, and send this as an (zip) attachement?


Wolle wrote:

>hi everybody!
>thank you very much for the help. but i still have the problem.
>the html and pdf output is ok. as soon as i produce text-output i get
>UTF-8 code although i forced cocoon to produce iso 8859-1 by using:
><map:serializer logger="sitemap.serializer.text" mime-type="text/text"
>      name="text" src="org.apache.cocoon.serialization.TextSerializer">
>     <encoding>iso-8859-1</encoding>
> </map:serializer>
>the saved text-file is indeed  UTF-8 coded because the unix-command 'file'
>confirms the result.
>right now i am using a workaround by reencoding the saved file
>via: 'recode UTF-8 file.txt'
>i tested for quite a long time. this is a working solution without cocoon
>maybe there is more luck with cocoon 2.1.
>wolfgang weigel

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